Sunday, March 22, 2020

Pandemus Immanis

A Walk in the Woods 11x14

The whole of mankind is now facing the unknown together, and peril is increasing everywhere.  This comes across as hysteria to some, but you only have to look to other countries to see what is inevitable for us.  Many of us refuse to believe it, deny the changes coming, but more importantly, deny the changes we should be making right now.  This stubborn insistence on clinging to the familiar is going to force us to go through more pain and desperation than we really need to, but I suppose that as divided as Americans have become, we have no choice but to enter the shitstorm and then maybe we can reevaluate our prejudices and realize that we have to fight this war together.  Alternatively, we might end up fighting each other, and Putin wins after all.  At any rate, this is the scariest time we have seen in our lives, and our future will be quite different from what we have been used to, but it does not have to be worse than the past.  We can choose to make positive changes to the way we live and relate to each other.  We can choose to become We The People again.

Bryant Frosty Meadow 14x11

As difficult as it is to regain the calm and focus needed to paint, I know that I will return to the easel in the coming weeks, and it will become a harbor for sanity and health.  My scheduled exhibition (my first!) was cancelled.  Just when I had worked up enough confidence to believe in what I am producing....

Be safe out there, help your friends, and stick to those protocols.

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