Goat Island Gold - 16x12 oil
When I first began this blog, its purpose was to push me to create paintings in order to have something to post, the carrot and the stick for my progress. It served its purpose well over several years, but once I joined Instagram, the ease and immediacy of posting there overtook the clumsy needs of this blog, and therefore it has been idle for some time now. If I had anything pressing to say here, it might encourage me to visit more often, but my goal has been to work at learning the art of painting, not to talk about it. So my apologies to any who might be hoping for more. And my deepest thanks to those who have found my posts interesting enough to visit.
Bryant Woods Sketch 14x11
Dreams of the Landscape
Mitch, I love seeing your work, your evolution as a painter. But I also want to know what you’re thinking. What is the content of that boy`s dreams of landscape? Who is that boy?
Randall, I appreciate your wanting to know my thoughts about my painting process, and of all the painters out there who still do blogs, I think your narrative is the most interesting and thoughtful. Still, I find it difficult to verbalize my feelings about the artistic process when I post because it's hard enough just to dare to cast my work out into the maw of the internet.
The boy is my son, Braedon, at the age of about six, when he first visited France with us. He has always been a thoughtful boy, a dreamer, and he was as captivated by the landscape in the south of France as I was.
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