Saturday, April 18, 2020

Reworking a Sketch

Phantom Bluff, Covid Spring 16x20

Wanting to explore further the painting in the last post, I decided to take a little more time on it.  This one is closer to my original vision and seems to express the delightful clarity of color on the lake that morning.  The next step may be to try this one in an even larger scale, perhaps 32 x 40.

Another recent painting, a little less fully realized.  Somehow I am missing the softness of the moment that I was after.  Some glazing might help, or it may be too late to softly blend where needed.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Finding Normal

Although I know my mind needs solace now, and that painting might provide that fresh breath of air so needed (sucking through an N-95 mask in the grocery store), for me, at least, I need to begin with a mind that has stilled itself, and mine is still racing and on high alert.  I am in information-seeking mode.  I am edgy, uncomfortable in this new normal.  But I did force myself to visit my studio yesterday and pound out a small painting, a mad slap and dash to try to capture the clarity of the light and color as I witness the convergence of spring sunshine and skies suddenly cleared of pollution.  I can't emphasize how sloppily paint was put to canvas, as if I had held my breath and must hurry before I pass out.  This is not the way to paint.  I need to find a way to ease into it, to feel that I have all the time in the world, like a long and lazy summer day without a worry in the world.  How long before that feeling will return?